Learning a language is like building a house. The most important parts are the floor, the walls of bricks and poles. The floor is the alphabet and compound verbs. Bricks are the words, and the poles are made of the different ways you can conjugate a verb. All these parts make the fundamental structure of a language. Chinese language and English basically are very much alike. However, each language has it own properties. The  Most of languages consist of two basic structures:

Verb to be

S(Subject )+ Be +N(Noun/Pronoun)/Adjective/Place/Time.

Verb to do

S(Subject )+ V(Verb)+N(Noun/Pronoun)/Adverbial/Place/Time.

Verb-to-be ( 是 in Chinese) is of significant important in English, which almost takes up one-third of verbs in speaking and writing. The same is true with 是 in Chinese. The following structure is one of the common forms for most languages. 

S (Subject )+ Be +N(Noun/Pronoun)/Adjective/Place/Time.

 In English a verb varies with pronouns, but not in Chinese. "to" being placed in front of a verb means original verb form in English. In Chinese there are no tenses, but there are words to express the time, such as "昨天" yesterday( pass tense), "下周" next week(future tense).